路牙石模具制作过程需要注意的问题 |
添加时间:2018/10/23 10:08:29 浏览次数: |
随着路牙石模具具加工制作技术不断进步,我们国家铁路护坡模具高技术驱动和支柱产业应用需求的推动下,形成了一个巨大的产业链条,从上游的原辅材料工业和加工、检测设备到下游的机械、汽车、摩托车、家电、电子通信、建筑建材等几大应用产业,塑料模具发展一片生机。目前塑料制品应用范围在不断扩大,同时模具加工制作水平也在不断提高。 With the continuous progress of the manufacturing technology of the tooling tools for road cone stones, driven by the high-tech drive of the moulds for railway slope protection and the application demand of the pillar industries, a huge industrial chain has been formed, from the raw and auxiliary materials industry in the upstream and processing, testing equipment to the machinery, automobiles, motorcycles, household appliances, electronic communications in the downstream. Plastic construction has developed a lot of vitality in several major applications, such as building materials and building materials. At present, the scope of application of plastic products is expanding, and the level of mold processing and manufacturing is also improving. 路牙石模具标准件的运用将日渐广泛,模具标准化及模具标准件的运用能极大地影响模具制造周期。运用模具标准件不但能缩短模具制造周期,并且能进步模具质量和下降模具制造本钱。对于用户的经济能力是一个考验。如果模具厂家需要研发新型模具用环氧、聚酯或在其间填充金属、玻璃等增强物制造简便模具。这样的模具规划开发出产能力并依据客户需要定做各种规格和花型的这样的模具。 The application of standard parts of road cone mold will be more and more extensive. The standardization of mold and the application of standard parts of mold can greatly affect the mold manufacturing cycle. Using standard parts can not only shorten the mold manufacturing cycle, but also improve the mold quality and reduce the mold manufacturing cost. It is a test for users' economic ability. If the mold manufacturer needs to develop new mold with epoxy, polyester or filling metal, glass and other reinforcements in the manufacturing of simple mold. Such mold planning develops the production capacity and customizes the various specifications and patterns of such molds according to customer needs. 路牙石模具质量和寿命直接取决于塑料材料的选择,所以材料至关重要。当模具的工作温度较高进,会使硬度和强度下降,导致模具早期磨损或产生塑性变形而失效。因此,模具材料应具有较高的抗回火稳定性,以保证模具在工作温度下,具有较高的硬度和强度。模具在工作当中处于反复加热和冷却的状态使型腔表面受拉、压力变应力的作用,引起表面龟裂和剥落,这些都是需要模具厂家需要注意的问题。 The quality and life of Lu Ya stone die directly depends on the choice of plastic materials, so materials are very important. When the working temperature of the die is higher, the hardness and strength of the die will decrease, resulting in early wear or plastic deformation of the die and failure. Therefore, the mold material should have high tempering stability to ensure that the mold at the working temperature, with high hardness and strength. The mold is in the state of repeated heating and cooling, which makes the surface of the cavity tensile, pressure stress, surface cracking and spalling. These are the problems that need the attention of mold manufacturers. |
上一页 我国路牙石模具发展有了很明显的优势 |
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