未来我国模具企业市场发展形势 |
添加时间:2017/8/7 19:18:03 浏览次数: |
我国未来盖板模具的发展如果单纯以提高技术和提升质量未免过于笼统,即便是技术的创新也需要的一个明确的定位,这与公司真正的市场策略一致的,很多模具企业都表示在盖板模具行业内的专利还是较少的,我国的模具水平相对较低.现如今盖板模具企业发展定位依然是基础产品.代理商销售模式对通用型产品具有一定的效应,而对于技术的要求较高、准入门槛较严、市场集中度较高产品,其销售模式会受到产品的价格、售后服务、产品的稳定性等因素影响.在这些方面,由于缺乏必要的利润与技术的支撑,中国盖板模具制造企业则体现出较为明显的劣势,难以建立起符合市场多样化需求的商业的模式以赢得高端市场.目前国内生产新型环保建材产品的先进盖板模具设备,该设备是在原有模具的基础上不断创新,使之更好适应模具市场. If simple plate mold development in our country in the future in order to improve the technology and improve quality is too general, even the technology innovation also need a clear positioning, which consistent with the real market strategy, a number of mold enterprise said in patent or less flat mould industry, mould level is relatively low in our country. Now cover plate mold enterprise development localization is still based products. Agent sales model have a certain effect on the universal product, and high to the requirement of technology, the barriers to entry are strict and high market concentration product, its sales model will be affected by price of the product, after-sales service, product stability and other factors. In these ways, because of the lack of necessary profit and technical support, cover plate mold manufacturing enterprises in China are showed more obvious disadvantage, it is difficult to build can meet the demand of market diversification of business model in order to win the high-end market. The current domestic production of new environmental protection building materials products cover advanced mold equipment, the equipment is in the original mould on the basis of continuous innovation, to better adapt to the mould market. |
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