聚氨酯软管 PVC软管 隔离墩模具 u型槽模具 护坡模具 pvc输送带 尼龙输送带 天津除甲醛 北京除甲醛
The advantage of road calculus is that it can avoid wheel scratch and reduce the damage caused by the impact of vehicles on tires in China. This impact road calculus theoretical model is mainly applied to urban bus system stations, central green belts and other places. The road calculus mold is made of PP polypropylene injection molding, and the mold can be turned about 200 times.
路牙石模具外侧用2cm小倒角,此型号塑模规格尺寸较多,从长度30cm到100cm,可做平模样式和立模样式 立模可使两侧制作的水泥路石平整,平模使一侧水泥路石平整。
2cm small chamfer is used on the outside of the kerb mold. This model of plastic mold has many specifications and sizes, ranging from 30cm to 100cm. It can be used as flat mold style and vertical mold style. The vertical mold can make the cement kerb made on both sides flat, and the flat mold can make the cement kerb on one side flat.
The mold is injection molded with polypropylene PP engineering, solid texture, toughness, and can be used at least 200 times;