





Luyashi mould adopts engineering PP (polypropylene) raw material has good ductility and machinability, hardenability and hardenability and grindability, has the oxidation, decarburization sensitivity and quenching cracking tendency of small deformation.

表面光洁光滑,经过锻造、切削加工、热处理聚氨酯软管 PVC软管 隔离墩模具 u型槽模具 护坡模具 pvc输送带 尼龙输送带 天津除甲醛 北京除甲醛 等几道工序,保证瑞达模具的制造质量,降低生产成本,满足模具工作环境要求,工艺性能要求,经济耐用。路牙石模具可采用3mm钢板经过钣金,焊接,压弯工艺制作,钢模具脱模时间快,产品尺寸更准确,钣金钢模具的主要特点是模具可拆卸。
The surface is smooth and smooth. After forging, cutting, heat treatment and other processes, the quality of Ruida die is guaranteed, the production cost is reduced, the mold working environment requirements, process performance requirements, economic and durability are satisfied. Luyashi mould after sheet metal, welding using 3mm plate bending process, steel mold release time, the product size is more accurate, the main features of sheet steel mold mold is removable.

The mold material closely linked, material determines the appearance and quality of luyashi mold. Mold parts production, size stability to made of high performance materials, this kind of mold materials can be processed to enhance the low vacuum surface, so that the durability of the mould to a new level. Because of the complex shape of the mold, high precision, long production cycle, the mold processing cost is high, so the high performance the material is also necessary. And the mold with small part production is easy to produce because of its simple shape, and can be produced by the material with relatively moderate cost and quality.


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版权 © 保定路牙石模具厂 网址:mojulys.37ix.com.cn  推荐:路牙石模具,塑料路牙石模具,水泥路牙石钢模具
